In this entry, let us see what the Bible offers for those of us who are facing tough times, feeling anxious all the while.Those internal struggles that seem to go on and on deep inside our hearts that keep us awake at night can take a toll on our health, our relationships with others (and even with ourselves) and worse, it affects how we communicate with the Lord. Anxiety has been known to wreak havoc when it comes to our health. Before finding out what the Holy Scriptures recommends, let us clarify a few things about terms such as stress, anxiety and depression.
The Difference Between Stress, Anxiety and Depression
According to Jeff Thomas article in, stress is a normal part of everyday life. Things such as meeting the deadlines at work, the never ending traffic jam on our way to and from work, or anything that can make our bodies respond with the Fight or Flight response. These pressures are often times beneficial as some of these stress factors can force us to be more productive. In essence, these stress factors often stimulate us and not cause much trouble as these are often temporary in nature. It becomes a serious problem when the stress seems to be always there, incessantly making its way into our psyche and often manifesting itself via physical symptoms such as fast heart rate, irregular bowel movement, sweaty hands, hyperventilation among other things. Basically, what triggers anxiety is FEAR. Fear that the future may bring something worse than what already is here now in the present, further fuels anxiety A businessman whose company is on the brink of collapse, someone who is having marital problems, a child whose parents are having a divorce/custody battles, a school kid being bullied and many more instances in life provide a heavy stressful environment which easily leads to anxiety.
Depression, on the other hand, is defined as being in a constant state of low mood, often because those who suffer this condition feels a certainty that no positive thing will happen in their life anymore. This sense of loneliness is accompanied with lack of energy and enthusiasm, literally burned out as they can barely function in their day to day lives. They no longer feel stress or worry, as they are numb to the sensation, seeing no point in worrying about what happens in the future. The feeling can be likened to a cigarette stick, slowly burning away, as their hopes for a better future is nowhere in sight. There is no more fear, only hopelessness . In the most extreme cases, those with deep depression entertain suicidal thoughts, even homicidal thoughts as they feel they cannot escape the darkness and lowness that has engulfed them, with death their only release.
Notice that whereas anxiety is a state of fullness of energy, depression is at the opposite end of the spectrum, having no energy.
The Relationship Between These Three
As Jeff Thomas had simplified it, stress is often the precursor of anxiety, and anxiety is often the precursor of depression. When the stress was not properly dealt with, the possibility is raised that it will turn into fear, increasing the anxiety. When anxiety burns out all the energy from the anxious person, it is replaced with this empty hole deep inside, slowly eating away the life of that person, making him/her depressed. Though many experts have tried to give a solution to this dilemma via therapy which often involves prescribed drugs, one-on-one/group sessions and other methods, I still find the best way to deal with these issues is through the Biblical way.
What Does The Bible Say About Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
For as long as we have been around, mankind has faced all sorts of stressful situations in life.For us to be able to deal with stress and anxiety properly, there are certain things that we must understand completely. These are the following:
1. Life in its Entirety is a Series of Tests and Trials
From the very beginning, mankind has been tested by God, therefore, stressful events must . Adam and Eve, the first humans, were tested in the perfect setting of the Garden of Eden and has revealed to them their flawed nature. Every key figure in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament have undergone such trials. The most obvious question is why, as in why does God need to test us? It is to reveal to us our own character and expose our weaknesses so we can improve ourselves. God already knows who we are, what our limits and capacities are, but we don't. It is God's way letting us learn through experiences and growing with faith and love.
2. The Son of God Went Through Trials,Stress and Suffering... And So Shall We
It should not come as a shock to those who consider themselves Christians as the Lord Jesus have already foretold that we will suffer in His Name. In His words:
"I tell you for certain that servants are not greater than their master, and messengers are not greater than the one who sent them"- John 13:16, C.E.V.
Since Christ has suffered during his stay here on Earth, we must expect that we will undergo through the same ordeal. As it is written in 1 Peter 4:13, we must be glad as we share in the Lord's suffering as this is sign that Jesus Christ is our master. This important truth leads us to the next thing we should grasp.
3. God Will Never Let Us Face More Than What We Can Handle
As we said earlier, all anxieties result from fear, more specifically, fear of the unknown. It is this fear which causes us to over-think and worry our life away. We forget most of the time that we are NEVER away from the sight of God. As stated in Ephesians 4:6:
"There is one God and Father of us all, who rules over everyone. He works through all of us and in all of us"
The most powerful force in the universe is with us. Not only that, He genuinely loves us and He has promised that, "I say this because I know the plans that I have for you." This message is from the LORD. "I have good plans for you. I don't plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future" (Jeremiah 29:11, ERV). Feel the love that that promise contains. We should never feel afraid of anything life throws at us, since God has assured us that He wants a good future for us. Furthermore:
"Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out".- 1 Cor 10:13, G.N.B
Few things feel better than being liberated from worries and anxiety. If we hold on to the truth that GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL, there is nothing to fear and in turn, nothing will make us anxious. The famous scene where Jesus tells us not to worry (Matt 6:24-35) bears weight as these were instructions from the Savior Himself. If at anytime the feeling of fear and anxiety creeps into our hearts, remember this simple action that all of us can do anytime, anywhere:
"Don't worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God's peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds." - Philippians 4:6-7 (ERV)
The key, therefore, is to focus our attention towards the awesome power of GOD. Our energy should be spent on doing His will, and calm our minds and feel the presence of GOD as he never abandons anyone.His love is far, far more potent than all our doubts and fears.
The key, therefore, is to focus our attention towards the awesome power of GOD. Our energy should be spent on doing His will, and calm our minds and feel the presence of GOD as he never abandons anyone.His love is far, far more potent than all our doubts and fears.
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